TikTok guest request

How to open a TikTok guest request?

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How to open a TikTok guest request? Is a question that users have been wondering about for a long time? Because no matter how much TikTok is used for publishing videos or as an entertainment medium, the real reason why TikTok is used so widely among users is the opportunity to easily earn income. After users have 1000 TikTok followers, they can both interact and make friends thanks to the live broadcasts they open and earn money with the gifts sent.

The question of how to open a TikTok guest request, which has been so common on TikTok recently, actually stems from here. Since the broadcast made by two people provides both an interactive environment and the opportunity to grow by communicating with a larger audience as a result of the followers of both users joining, people become guests in each other’s live broadcasts; this is what a TikTok guest request means.

When a new screen appears, you write the name of the user you want to share your live broadcast with, and the live broadcast request and notification is sent to the user whose name you wrote.

 If the other party’s live broadcast button is active, they can join the live broadcast by clicking the join button and joining the chat. Of course, in this case, the followers of the person joining the live broadcast can see that someone they follow has opened a live broadcast and have the opportunity to watch the live broadcast. Here is a simple explanation of how to open a TikTok guest request. We have presented the answer to the question to you.

TikTok Live broadcast guest request disable

Of course, some users may be uncomfortable with this situation and may not want live broadcast requests to go to them. In this case, they can disable the people who send them guest requests by disabling TikTok live broadcast guest requests. So how will you do this?

We show you step-by-step how to turn off TikTok live broadcast guest requests.

Open the TikTok app

Click on the settings section above your profile.

Then you need to go to the live broadcast settings.

When you scroll down a little, you will see all the permissions and information about TikTok live broadcast. When you mark the TikTok live broadcast guest request section as passive, no one will be able to send you a live broadcast request.

However, since you do not want anyone to send you a live broadcast guest request, you do not use this feature that you have disabled, that is, after you disable this button, you cannot invite anyone else to your live broadcast, so TikTok offers you a feature that you can turn back on whenever you want.

How to send a guest request on TikTok live broadcast?

We explained this to you above, but I would like to touch on this subject again by collecting it under a separate heading so that you can receive more organized information.

How is a TikTok live broadcast guest request sent? If the person you want to send a live broadcast request to is available and wants to join, if the live broadcast button is active, you can send a request to the person by clicking on the infinity sign below during the live broadcast and accept this request notification sent to this person and join. You can make your live broadcast more colorful and make your chat more enjoyable by showing it as a spontaneous situation and you can benefit from the audience of the user you invited.

Frequently asked questions

What is a TikTok guest request?

After opening a live broadcast, TikTok guest request is to send an invitation to any user, be careful if he is a popular user because it will bring you benefits. This is to have him join your live broadcast.

 How to get guests on TikTok live broadcast?

Taking guests to a TikTok live broadcast is entirely up to the person opening the live broadcast. You can also send a live broadcast request. The person opening the live broadcast can also send you a request, but in any case, the person opening the live broadcast can accept you whenever they want and can block you from joining their live broadcast if they don’t want to.

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